Malcolm Arnold


英国当代作曲家、指挥家阿诺德(Malcolm Arnold),写有100多部多种体裁的作品,包括交响曲、协奏曲、合唱曲、室内乐、钢琴曲、芭蕾舞剧等,还创作了数部电影音乐,著名者为《桂河大桥》(the Bridge on the River Kwai)。他创作的舞曲很有特色,计有:2套(8首)英格兰舞曲、4首苏格兰舞曲、4首康沃尔舞曲、4首爱尔兰舞曲。Arnold本人是位小号高手,曾是伦敦爱乐团的成员。多年的演奏经验使他在谱写铜乐组配器方面有高人一等的品味和煽动性??最激情的乐章。

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About Malcolm Arnold :

英国当代作曲家、指挥家阿诺德(Malcolm Arnold),写有100多部多种体裁的作品,包括交响曲、协奏曲、合唱曲、室内乐、钢琴曲、芭蕾舞剧等,还创作了数部电影音乐,著名者为《桂河大桥》(the Bridge on the River Kwai)。他创作的舞曲很有特色,计有:2套(8首)英格兰舞曲、4首苏格兰舞曲、4首康沃尔舞曲、4首爱尔兰舞曲。Arnold本人是位小号高手,曾是伦敦爱乐团的成员。多年的演奏经验使他在谱写铜乐组配器方面有高人一等的品味和煽动性??最激情的乐章。

Relish the songs of Malcolm Arnold on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Malcolm Arnold. Malcolm Arnold is one of the popular artists having 3 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Malcolm Arnold songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Malcolm Arnold music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!
