337 Followers韩东君,出生于黑龙江哈尔滨市,中国内地男演员、赛车手,毕业于上海戏剧学院2012级表演系。 2013年正式拿到中国汽车运动联合会赛车驾照;同年出演首部电视剧《神雕侠侣》进入娱乐圈;2014年因出演话剧版《山楂树之恋》中男主角老三一角而获得关注。同年参演民国玄幻网络剧《无心法师》,饰演无心。2015年在改编自游戏《仙剑奇侠传五》的电视剧《仙剑云之凡》中饰演男主角姜云凡;参演都市情感大剧《大好时光》。2016年主演电视剧《重返20岁》;电视剧《迷雾围城》3月开机,领衔饰演易连恺。
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About 韩东君 :
Relish the songs of 韩东君 on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz 韩东君. 韩东君 is one of the popular artists having 337 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find 韩东君 songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of 韩东君 music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!