

Gorgoroth是一支来自挪威卑尔根的黑金属乐队,于1992年由Infernus(他也是目前唯一的乐队元老)组建。乐队的名字取自J.R.R.Tolkien的奇幻小说《指环王》中摩尔多大陆上邪恶与黑暗的死亡高原。 乐队目前签约 Regain Records 唱片公司,共发行了8八张全长录音室专辑,他们的第三张专辑《Under the Sign of Hell》重录版本于2011年发行,另外自2009年底以来,他们一直致力于下一张全长专辑的创作。 Pest (Thomas Kronenes) - Vocals (1995-1997, 2008-) (Blood Stained Dusk, Obtained Enslavement, Octagon (US)) Infernus (Roger Tiegs) - Guitars (also occasional Bass, Drums and Vocals) (1992-) (Borknagar, Desekrator, Norwegian Evil, Orcustus) Tormentor (Bjørn "Bøllo" Heyerdahl) - Guitars (also occasional Bass and Drums) (1996-2002, 2008-) (Desekrator, Gaahlskagg, Norwegian Evil, Orcustus) Bøddel (Frank Watkins) - Bass (2007-) (Hellwitch, Obituary, The Henchmen) Tomas Asklund - Drums (2007-) (Dark Funeral, Dawn (Swe), Dissection (Swe), Infernal (Swe), Necromicon)

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Albums | Singles

Album Incipit Satan from Gorgoroth
Incipit Satan30 Apr 2019

About Gorgoroth :

Gorgoroth是一支来自挪威卑尔根的黑金属乐队,于1992年由Infernus(他也是目前唯一的乐队元老)组建。乐队的名字取自J.R.R.Tolkien的奇幻小说《指环王》中摩尔多大陆上邪恶与黑暗的死亡高原。 乐队目前签约 Regain Records 唱片公司,共发行了8八张全长录音室专辑,他们的第三张专辑《Under the Sign of Hell》重录版本于2011年发行,另外自2009年底以来,他们一直致力于下一张全长专辑的创作。 Pest (Thomas Kronenes) - Vocals (1995-1997, 2008-) (Blood Stained Dusk, Obtained Enslavement, Octagon (US)) Infernus (Roger Tiegs) - Guitars (also occasional Bass, Drums and Vocals) (1992-) (Borknagar, Desekrator, Norwegian Evil, Orcustus) Tormentor (Bjørn "Bøllo" Heyerdahl) - Guitars (also occasional Bass and Drums) (1996-2002, 2008-) (Desekrator, Gaahlskagg, Norwegian Evil, Orcustus) Bøddel (Frank Watkins) - Bass (2007-) (Hellwitch, Obituary, The Henchmen) Tomas Asklund - Drums (2007-) (Dark Funeral, Dawn (Swe), Dissection (Swe), Infernal (Swe), Necromicon)

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