张宥浩,中国内地男演员,毕业于中央戏剧学院2013级表演系本科班。 因出演古装玄幻剧《三生三世十里桃花》被观众熟知;与白百何、陈伟霆、李现等联合主演都市情感剧《南方有乔木》;参演管虎执导的电影《八佰》,饰演阳光少年小七月;主演张一白青春力作《风犬少年的天空》,饰演乐天善良的咪咪;与张子枫联袂主演电影《再见,少年》,并凭借《再见,少年》荣获上海国际电影节电影频道传媒关注单元最受传媒关注新人男演员。主演电影《起跑》、《彷徨之刃》。
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《似火流年》影视歌曲专辑5 Dec 2023
About 张宥浩 :
Relish the songs of 张宥浩 on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz 张宥浩. 张宥浩 is one of the popular artists having 0 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find 张宥浩 songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of 张宥浩 music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!