Album Lucifer - The 2nd Album from SHINee

Lucifer - The 2nd Album

SHINee19 Jul 2010 13 songs

Lucifer - The 2nd Album

韩国偶像团体SHINee的二辑终于推出,全13曲收录超豪华阵容。每一首歌曲都很青春自然焕发着朝气。曾经为多部影视剧演唱主题曲或插曲的他们给歌迷们留下深刻的印象,比如《花样男子》的插曲就是一个例子,这张专辑同时也为他们重归舞台开了个好头,属实好久没听到他们的消息了,呵呵。推荐曲目:《A-Yo》、《Your Name》、《LUCIFER》。
About Lucifer - The 2nd Album :

If you are looking for an album to spruce your mood, play Lucifer - The 2nd Album online on Joox now! Lucifer - The 2nd Album by SHINee was released on 19 Jul 2010. Featuring popular artists, the album is an amazing composition with a total of 13 songs.
