Album Drifting With The Cloud from 罗启瑞

Drifting With The Cloud

罗启瑞, 杨斯雄30 Jun 2016 8 songs

Drifting With The Cloud

《行云.流水》向来是中国骚人墨客的最爱,它的飘流不定、柔情万种,正是人们对自由自在的渴望。 音乐不入文字,却和书画一般,演奏出意高境远的泼墨,传达着不可言喻的幽情。 笛子、把乌和胡琴,恰如其分地将【云水】的柔美婉约,有如仙境般扣住人心,更将这意象美学表现得楚楚动人,也引领了书香音乐风骚的先驱。
About Drifting With The Cloud :

Groove to the tunes of Drifting With The Cloud (Ft. 罗启瑞) with JOOX. Featuring 罗启瑞, and 杨斯雄, Drifting With The Cloud was released on and soon took fans by storm. Drifting With The Cloud consists of 8 songs, and the video of the song is much loved by music fanatics across the country. Download the JOOX App and listen to Drifting With The Cloud songs online in no time.
