Album Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep from 血肉果汁机

Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep

血肉果汁机19 Jun 2018 11 songs

Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep

从来无法想像海底世界是如此美丽,就如同深处在童话的梦幻之中。 从来无法想像海洋学问是如此渊博,就如同深处在宇宙的浩瀚里头。 或许我们该问问海洋我们的过去,这样就能找到被隐藏起来的历史;或许我们该听听海洋到底想说什么,这样在末日之时我们不会死的这么难过;或许,我们应该适可而止的再去惹怒他们,就像法兰克.薛庆著作的「群」 简述的那样,让我们​​更确定的再表达一次: 「大海本来就有意识,而,他接下来要你死。」
About Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep :

Groove to the tunes of Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep (Ft. 血肉果汁机) with JOOX. Featuring 血肉果汁机, Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep was released on and soon took fans by storm. Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep consists of 11 songs, and the video of the song is much loved by music fanatics across the country. Download the JOOX App and listen to Fairy Tales of the Ocean Deep songs online in no time.
