鹤The Crane

6 pengikut

鹤The Crane,来自台北,人如其名鹤立于一处独特的音乐河口交界,在另类R&B与合成器声响的簇拥下翩翩起舞,乐理行间勾勒着对于生活的独到见解。曲风时如夕景余晖浸润感官,也时如金阁晨雪般通澈宁静,全方位的创作能力使他举手投足皆富含优雅,赋予生活样貌新的注释。 成长于节奏蓝调盛行的千禧年,作品以当代Urban曲风结合七〇年代灵魂乐元素,也深受Stevie Wonder,Radiohead,Frank Ocean等创作者的影响。 2020年以〈LIMO〉一曲展现了过人的创作天份,高质感的作品顿时吸引了各大乐坛人士的关注,更以特色的个人幽默与R&B曲风推开了音乐厂牌新乐园的大门,于2021年初正式加入。鹤The Crane将是新乐园走向国际的另一幅必备蓝图,以独具的浪漫展翅,飞舞出前所未有的音乐轨迹。 The Crane is a singer-songwriter/producer based in Taipei. Growing up in the times when R&B music blossomed,The Crane was influenced by music from all spectrums,ranging from Stevie Wonder,Radiohead,and Frank Ocean. Leading him to create his own blend of Alternative R&B and Bedroom Pop,sprinkled with soul elements from the seventies. With The Crane’s ability to create everchanging synth sounds and rich layers of harmonies,he delivers intriguing stories with his laid-back vocals inviting listeners to go through an otherworldly experience. His ability to play all roles from writing to production makes everything he does elegant and effortless. The Crane showed his unmatched creativity in 2020 with his release of“LIMO”,the quality of his work attracted all the attention in Taiwan’s music scene. He joined Taiwanese music label“Forbidden Paradise”in 2021,and was quickly considered as one of the key elements to the label’s plan to international success with his quirky humour and playful music style injected into traditional R&B sounds.

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Tentang 鹤The Crane :

鹤The Crane,来自台北,人如其名鹤立于一处独特的音乐河口交界,在另类R&B与合成器声响的簇拥下翩翩起舞,乐理行间勾勒着对于生活的独到见解。曲风时如夕景余晖浸润感官,也时如金阁晨雪般通澈宁静,全方位的创作能力使他举手投足皆富含优雅,赋予生活样貌新的注释。 成长于节奏蓝调盛行的千禧年,作品以当代Urban曲风结合七〇年代灵魂乐元素,也深受Stevie Wonder,Radiohead,Frank Ocean等创作者的影响。 2020年以〈LIMO〉一曲展现了过人的创作天份,高质感的作品顿时吸引了各大乐坛人士的关注,更以特色的个人幽默与R&B曲风推开了音乐厂牌新乐园的大门,于2021年初正式加入。鹤The Crane将是新乐园走向国际的另一幅必备蓝图,以独具的浪漫展翅,飞舞出前所未有的音乐轨迹。 The Crane is a singer-songwriter/producer based in Taipei. Growing up in the times when R&B music blossomed,The Crane was influenced by music from all spectrums,ranging from Stevie Wonder,Radiohead,and Frank Ocean. Leading him to create his own blend of Alternative R&B and Bedroom Pop,sprinkled with soul elements from the seventies. With The Crane’s ability to create everchanging synth sounds and rich layers of harmonies,he delivers intriguing stories with his laid-back vocals inviting listeners to go through an otherworldly experience. His ability to play all roles from writing to production makes everything he does elegant and effortless. The Crane showed his unmatched creativity in 2020 with his release of“LIMO”,the quality of his work attracted all the attention in Taiwan’s music scene. He joined Taiwanese music label“Forbidden Paradise”in 2021,and was quickly considered as one of the key elements to the label’s plan to international success with his quirky humour and playful music style injected into traditional R&B sounds.

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