Dengarkan lagu Mahogany Hall Stomp nyanyian Louis Armstrong dengan lirik

Mahogany Hall Stomp

Louis Armstrong4 Mac 2020

Lirik Mahogany Hall Stomp


Strut tin' with some bar be que


Swing in' with the band

Like the hap py peo ple do

Way down in dix ie land

Hear that ol' trom bone

And the trum pet ad lib

Love to hear the lick


While I do my pick in'

Pick in' on a jui cy rib

Cause I'm strut tin with some bar be que

Feel in' might y grand


Pass an oth er help in' please


Of that good ol' dix ie land

And mis ter wait er if you please

An oth er rib or two

And I'll go strut strut strut tin



Strut tin' with some bar be que