Lirik Teen Top
Teen Top - TEEN TOP (틴탑)
Hey Boys & Girls welcome to the
World of T E E N T O P
Yeah U ready for the hotness
Cause here we are T E E N T O P
We won't stop &
We gonna take it to the top
We never stop let's rock we're
Born to rock TEEN TOP TOP
똑같은 건 바라지마 비교조차 하지마
똑바로 봐도 달라진 모습
너 놀라지마
우릴 보니 너 미치겠어
뛰고 싶어 안달났어
누가 우리보다 더 높겠어
잘난 걸 어쩌겠어
We gonna take u to another
Level level
Shine like metal metal
Let me up up upgrade U
We gonna take u to another
Level level
Feel the travel travel
Let me up up upgrade
Bump Bump 미친 듯 Bump Bump
심장이 Bump Bump
볼륨을 더 크게 Bump Bump Bump
Bump Bump Brave sound
Bump Bump we Teen Top
Bump Bump Stereo
Bump Bump Bump
Bump Bump Bump
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happy birthday my cute little L joe 💞💕💕💕