Dengarkan Choking on Flowers lagu dari Fox Academy dengan lirik

Choking on Flowers

Fox Academy15 Jul 2015

Lirik Choking on Flowers


Inside your house

We've got a lot to talk about

Decorations that we found

Instead we look around

Instead we look around

I don't mind

It happens all the time

Don't decide

It happens all the time

Inside your car

We never have to drive too far

I like the freckles on your arm

Not eat with you I'd rather starve

Inside your house

Your mom puts on her favorite blouse

We pass the dishes all around

I hope they like me now

I hope they like me now

You remind me of better times

Dusty blinds

This happens all the time


This happens all the time

Komentar untuk Choking on Flowers (11)


Hi 👋 yg suka lagu vibesnya kayak gini mampir ke playlist aku yuk ☺️

Damar Mukjizat
Damar Mukjizat

tiba tiba jaipongan

Sarwenda Aritonang
Sarwenda Aritonang

ada yang tau liriknya ngak?

Ibnu Nur Ramadhanu
Ibnu Nur Ramadhanu

Tau lagi ini dari tiktok ? ✋

Adinda Manik
Adinda Manik

cocok untuk nemenin belajar malam"😌



Heavenly empress
Heavenly empress

Check out my playlist

🔺pink soldier
🔺pink soldier

oss jaipong

Abrhm Pixeles
Abrhm Pixeles

aahh damn vibes nya


ademm dengernya apalagi diatas anjungan kapal malem"
