Triumph The Insult Comic Dog的專輯Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version)

Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version)

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog2003年11月4日 21 首歌

Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version)

Why learn new tricks when you can still get big laughs milking the old ones? Everyone's favorite foul-mouthed canine puppet simply takes the same material he's been using since Don Rickles was in short pants, and stretches it over a series of musical pastiches, from calypso ("Underage Bichon") to, um, Yiddish musical theater ("My Mama"). With contributions from Adam Sandler, Conan O'Brien, Jack Black, and SNL vets Maya Rudolph and Horatio Sanz, this disc features more guests than a Jerry Lewis telethon (alas, no Eminem--though he gets name-checked on the hip-hop jam "I Keed"). The Jerky Boys-style crank calls quickly wear thin, and the bonus DVD is a hodgepodge of static performance footage of the best bits on the CD, plus some agonizing filler (who invited that Dell computer dork?), but on the strength of the hilarious songs alone, Come Poop With Me is nothing to turn your nose up at.
有關Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version) :

立即透過JOOX收聽 Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version) (Ft. Triumph The Insult Comic Dog) !Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version) 在 上架,由 Triumph The Insult Comic Dog 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version)由21首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 Come Poop With Me (U.S. Version) (PA Version) 中的歌曲吧!
