Gilbert Vinter

Gilbert Vinter (born May 4, 1909) was an English conductor and composer, most celebrated for his compositions for brass bands.As a youth, Vinter was a chorister at Lincoln Cathedral, and eventually became Head Chorister there. He later became a bassoonist. In 1930, he joined the BBC Military Band, where he did much of his early conducting. It was during that time that he also began to compose. During World War II, Vinter played in The Central Band of the RAF and later led several other RAF bands. He was the first principal conductor of the BBC Concert Orchestra, from 1952 to 1953.


Gilbert Vinter :

Gilbert Vinter (born May 4, 1909) was an English conductor and composer, most celebrated for his compositions for brass bands.As a youth, Vinter was a chorister at Lincoln Cathedral, and eventually became Head Chorister there. He later became a bassoonist. In 1930, he joined the BBC Military Band, where he did much of his early conducting. It was during that time that he also began to compose. During World War II, Vinter played in The Central Band of the RAF and later led several other RAF bands. He was the first principal conductor of the BBC Concert Orchestra, from 1952 to 1953.

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