Lebo Mathosa

847 粉丝

Lebo Mathosa (1977 - 23 October 2006) was a popular South African kwaito singer. Mathosa started her career with the popular South African band Boom Shaka in 1994 at the age of 15, after she caught the eye of music producer Don Laka at a club in Johannesburg. She was one of the few successful female kwaito artists in an industry dominated by males.[1]


专辑 | 单曲

I Love Music
I Love Music2022年10月29日
I Love Music
I Love Music2022年10月29日
Au Dede
Au Dede2022年10月21日

Lebo Mathosa :

Lebo Mathosa (1977 - 23 October 2006) was a popular South African kwaito singer. Mathosa started her career with the popular South African band Boom Shaka in 1994 at the age of 15, after she caught the eye of music producer Don Laka at a club in Johannesburg. She was one of the few successful female kwaito artists in an industry dominated by males.[1]

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