34 Pengikut

台湾节奏蓝调界的「梨长伯」LINION,以 Neo-Soul、R&B 风格著称,是乐坛少见以贝斯为主奏乐器的唱作人。成长于新北市淡水区,LINION 的词曲亲民,演唱口气松活,屡屡倾诉着都市少年的忧愁与快乐,代表作包括:〈Room 335〉、〈Can’t Find〉、〈Oh Girl〉、〈Mountain Dude〉等,皆是许多听众散步、读书、睡眠、出游时,必备耐听的陪伴歌曲。 LINION 从小尝试上过各种才艺班,譬如绘画、足球,甚至因为体能好而被带去练武术。对音乐的向往则缘起于小时候,他看到同班同学的民歌手父亲,用吉他在数百名观众面前演奏,觉着「边弹边唱的人好帅」,兴起了当音乐人的念头。从木吉他弹唱开始,直至长大后,LINION 得知台湾音乐环境里的贝斯手比较稀少,在钻研贝斯的过程中渐渐发现「律动」(grooving)的奥秘,从此打开更宽广的音乐视野。 高中毕业考取位于洛杉矶的美国音乐家学院(Musicians Institute,MI),LINION 决定以贝斯为学习主科,师从贝斯手 Dave Keif、Moonchild 乐团鼓手 Efa Etoroma, Jr. 等名师。在美国,他每天埋头苦练十二小时,常常练到忘记吃饭,甚至手腕长肌腱瘤。异乡修行,练累了他会去圣莫尼卡看海,看到心静了再回来练;那几年的付出相当值得,他不仅以贝斯第一名的优越成绩毕业,返台后更受到台湾乐坛的注目。 自美国洛杉矶 MI 音乐学院毕业后,LINION 于 2018 年和奇清唱片合作,独立发行首张专辑《Me In Dat Blue》,旋即入围第十届金音创作奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑奖」。靠着这张专辑,他搭上了 2010 年代台湾 Urban 音乐新浪潮,单曲〈Room 335〉在 StreetVoice 排行榜夺冠后,火速入选 Legacy 见证大团、出演「2019 Simple Urban+」音乐生活节,并和 Yellow黄宣、9m88、ØZI、雷擎⋯⋯等音乐人,共同被视为台湾 R&B 新世代的代表人物。 2020 年,LINION 推出第二张专辑《Leisurely》,在西方音乐类型的 Neo-Soul 中纳入东方冥想与户外元素,并以「灵性男子」的称号,为都市人的社群焦虑提出解方。《Leisurely》和制作人锺潍宇紧密合作,并邀请到雷擎、陈娴静、deca joins 主唱郑敬儒献声,音乐质量与情感兼具,音乐事业再度起飞,不仅入选 Hit Fm 2020 年度十大专辑,更夺下第十二届金音奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑奖」。 在个人作品外,LINION 频获国际音乐人的邀请合作。他回忆,在美国 MI 上课时,自己的乐团偶尔会被校方误会成日本团找去演出,他也一度配合假装自己是日本人接受访问,没想到出道后真有许多日本音乐人如:THREE1989、illmore、chilldspot 等,争相邀约他共同创作,缔造数首串流突破百万流量的单曲,成为在日本拥有知名度的台湾贝斯手兼主唱。 历经三年的沈淀与步调重整,2023 年 LINION 推出第三张专辑《HIDEOUT》,二度与金音获奖制作人锺潍宇合作,邀请到歌手洪佩瑜合唱情歌。他尝试融合 R&B 与民谣,探索内在的男性阴柔面,并和自己的不完美和解,《HIDEOUT》以敞开心房的自传式独白,打造一处听觉的「藏身处」,让「梨民」(LINION 歌迷的暱称)与自己心底的秘密,都可以在此安居。 In the Taiwanese music scene, LINION is renowned for his Neo-Soul and R&B style. He is also a rare singer-songwriter who primarily performs with the bass guitar. Growing up in the seaside Tamsui District of New Taipei City, surrounded by mountains and rivers, LINION’s lyrics and melodies are relatable, and his vocal delivery is laid-back and mellow. He often expresses the joys and sorrows of urban youth in his songs. Some of his notable works include “Room 335,” “Can’t Find,” “Oh Girl,” and “Mountain Dude.” After graduating from the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, LINION released his debut album, Me In Dat Blue, in 2018, which quickly earned him a nomination for Best R&B Album at the 10th Golden Indie Music Awards. His sophomore album, Leisurely, released in 2020, offered a spiritual cure to the social anxieties of city life. It not only made the list of Top 10 Albums of 2020 by leading radio station Hit Fm but won the Best R&B Album at the 12th Golden Indie Music Awards. Beyond his solo work, LINION has frequently collaborated with Japanese musicians such as THREE1989, illmore, and chilldspot, culminating in multiple singles earning over a million streams. In 2023, LINION’s long-awaited third album, HIDEOUT, which incorporates folk elements into R&B, aims to create a sonic sanctuary where the inner secrets of fans can find solace.

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Mengenai LINION

台湾节奏蓝调界的「梨长伯」LINION,以 Neo-Soul、R&B 风格著称,是乐坛少见以贝斯为主奏乐器的唱作人。成长于新北市淡水区,LINION 的词曲亲民,演唱口气松活,屡屡倾诉着都市少年的忧愁与快乐,代表作包括:〈Room 335〉、〈Can’t Find〉、〈Oh Girl〉、〈Mountain Dude〉等,皆是许多听众散步、读书、睡眠、出游时,必备耐听的陪伴歌曲。 LINION 从小尝试上过各种才艺班,譬如绘画、足球,甚至因为体能好而被带去练武术。对音乐的向往则缘起于小时候,他看到同班同学的民歌手父亲,用吉他在数百名观众面前演奏,觉着「边弹边唱的人好帅」,兴起了当音乐人的念头。从木吉他弹唱开始,直至长大后,LINION 得知台湾音乐环境里的贝斯手比较稀少,在钻研贝斯的过程中渐渐发现「律动」(grooving)的奥秘,从此打开更宽广的音乐视野。 高中毕业考取位于洛杉矶的美国音乐家学院(Musicians Institute,MI),LINION 决定以贝斯为学习主科,师从贝斯手 Dave Keif、Moonchild 乐团鼓手 Efa Etoroma, Jr. 等名师。在美国,他每天埋头苦练十二小时,常常练到忘记吃饭,甚至手腕长肌腱瘤。异乡修行,练累了他会去圣莫尼卡看海,看到心静了再回来练;那几年的付出相当值得,他不仅以贝斯第一名的优越成绩毕业,返台后更受到台湾乐坛的注目。 自美国洛杉矶 MI 音乐学院毕业后,LINION 于 2018 年和奇清唱片合作,独立发行首张专辑《Me In Dat Blue》,旋即入围第十届金音创作奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑奖」。靠着这张专辑,他搭上了 2010 年代台湾 Urban 音乐新浪潮,单曲〈Room 335〉在 StreetVoice 排行榜夺冠后,火速入选 Legacy 见证大团、出演「2019 Simple Urban+」音乐生活节,并和 Yellow黄宣、9m88、ØZI、雷擎⋯⋯等音乐人,共同被视为台湾 R&B 新世代的代表人物。 2020 年,LINION 推出第二张专辑《Leisurely》,在西方音乐类型的 Neo-Soul 中纳入东方冥想与户外元素,并以「灵性男子」的称号,为都市人的社群焦虑提出解方。《Leisurely》和制作人锺潍宇紧密合作,并邀请到雷擎、陈娴静、deca joins 主唱郑敬儒献声,音乐质量与情感兼具,音乐事业再度起飞,不仅入选 Hit Fm 2020 年度十大专辑,更夺下第十二届金音奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑奖」。 在个人作品外,LINION 频获国际音乐人的邀请合作。他回忆,在美国 MI 上课时,自己的乐团偶尔会被校方误会成日本团找去演出,他也一度配合假装自己是日本人接受访问,没想到出道后真有许多日本音乐人如:THREE1989、illmore、chilldspot 等,争相邀约他共同创作,缔造数首串流突破百万流量的单曲,成为在日本拥有知名度的台湾贝斯手兼主唱。 历经三年的沈淀与步调重整,2023 年 LINION 推出第三张专辑《HIDEOUT》,二度与金音获奖制作人锺潍宇合作,邀请到歌手洪佩瑜合唱情歌。他尝试融合 R&B 与民谣,探索内在的男性阴柔面,并和自己的不完美和解,《HIDEOUT》以敞开心房的自传式独白,打造一处听觉的「藏身处」,让「梨民」(LINION 歌迷的暱称)与自己心底的秘密,都可以在此安居。 In the Taiwanese music scene, LINION is renowned for his Neo-Soul and R&B style. He is also a rare singer-songwriter who primarily performs with the bass guitar. Growing up in the seaside Tamsui District of New Taipei City, surrounded by mountains and rivers, LINION’s lyrics and melodies are relatable, and his vocal delivery is laid-back and mellow. He often expresses the joys and sorrows of urban youth in his songs. Some of his notable works include “Room 335,” “Can’t Find,” “Oh Girl,” and “Mountain Dude.” After graduating from the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, LINION released his debut album, Me In Dat Blue, in 2018, which quickly earned him a nomination for Best R&B Album at the 10th Golden Indie Music Awards. His sophomore album, Leisurely, released in 2020, offered a spiritual cure to the social anxieties of city life. It not only made the list of Top 10 Albums of 2020 by leading radio station Hit Fm but won the Best R&B Album at the 12th Golden Indie Music Awards. Beyond his solo work, LINION has frequently collaborated with Japanese musicians such as THREE1989, illmore, and chilldspot, culminating in multiple singles earning over a million streams. In 2023, LINION’s long-awaited third album, HIDEOUT, which incorporates folk elements into R&B, aims to create a sonic sanctuary where the inner secrets of fans can find solace.

Nikmati lagu-lagu daripada LINION di Joox pada bila-bila masa! Setiap kali berbicara tentang artis dengan lagu dan album yang hebat, satu nama pasti tidak terlepas iaitu LINION. LINION merupakan salah seorang artis popular dengan 34 pengikut. Jika anda juga mencari lagu-lagu LINION, maka Joox adalah tempatnya! Di Joox, kami menyediakan pelbagai kompilasi video muzik dan lagu bersama lirik untuk anda nikmati!