Album 雙生兒 from Twins


Twins29 Jan 2002 5 songs


《双生儿》为Twins中文专辑,于2002年1月在香港发行,凭《大浪漫主义》及《孖宝668》两曲广受香港欢迎。 《孖宝668》为Twins第一首贺年歌曲,其后她们每年均推出一首贺年歌曲。此曲为把过去贺年歌曲串烧成一曲。
About 雙生兒 :

If you are looking for an album to spruce your mood, play 雙生兒 online on Joox now! 雙生兒 by Twins was released on 29 Jan 2002. Featuring popular artists, the album is an amazing composition with a total of 5 songs.
