收聽Alan Walker的Endless Summer歌詞歌曲

Endless Summer

Alan Walker, Zak Abel2023年7月14日

Endless Summer 歌詞

Endless Summer - Alan Walker/Zak Abel

Lyrics by:Alan Walker/Fredrik Borch Olsen/Gunnar Greve/Marcus Arnbekk/Mats Lie Skåre/Ruth-Anne Cunningham/Ollie Green/Zak Abel/Ollie Marland

Composed by:Alan Walker/Fredrik Borch Olsen/Gunnar Greve/Marcus Arnbekk/Mats Lie Skåre/Ruth-Anne Cunningham/Ollie Green/Zak Abel/Ollie Marland

Produced by:Alan Walker/Kasper

總監製:Gunnar Greve

混音:Sören Von Malmborg

混母:Sören Von Malmborg

鍵盤/鼓/吉他:Alan Walker/Fredrik Borch Olsen/Gunnar Greve/Marcus Arnbekk/Mats Lie Skåre

和聲:Ruth-Anne Cunningham/Ollie Green/Zak Abel/Ollie Marland

發行方:MER Recordings

Endless summer

Lost love now it's back again

I've been right here waiting

One touch and somethings in the air

Got my heartbeat raising

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

No time for regret no time for sleep yeah

Not ******* leaving when your with me yeah

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

I got that feeling again

I got that feeling again

Hands up raise them to the sky

Cause I got you by my side

It's bold love every single time

And it takes me higher

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

No time for regret no time for sleep yeah

Not ******* leaving when your with me yeah

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

I got that feeling again

I got that feeling again

Rain rain go away summer's here to stay

Cheers to better days

Endless summer

Rain rain go away summer's here to stay

Cheers to better days

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

No time for regret no time for sleep yeah

Not ******* leaving when your with me yeah


I got that feeling again like it's an endless summer

Endless Summer 的評論 (23)

Yu Kong
Yu Kong


Yu Kong
Yu Kong


Yu Kong
Yu Kong


Yu Kong
Yu Kong


Yu Kong
Yu Kong




endless sunmer😭😭

Jackson Cheng
Jackson Cheng

As fans, I am always eager to hear new music from my favorite artists, and a summer-themed song by Alan Walker would be no exception. I would eagerly await the release of the new song, and share my excitement and anticipation with other fans on social media and other platforms. Finally, a summer-themed song by Alan Walker would likely be received with enthusiasm and excitement by his fans, who would appreciate the way it captures the spirit and energy of the summer season.

Jackson Cheng
Jackson Cheng

As a fan of Alan Walker, I would be excited to hear that he has created a new summer-themed song. I have come to love his unique style of music, which often combines electronic and dance music with catchy melodies and lyrics. The idea of a new song that is specifically designed for the summer season is very appealing, as it gives me something to look forward to during the warmer months. For me, the summer is a time of fun and adventure, and we associate it with memories of spending time with friends and family, going to the beach, and enjoying outdoor activities. A summer-themed song by Alan Walker could capture these feelings and emotions, and transport us to a place where I can relive these memories and experiences.


聽呢首歌之後我覺得我感受到Alan walker 作呢首歌想帶比我哋嘅原意,就係想我哋喺呢首歌搵到夏日嘅氣氛,喺Summer feeling 呢方面我完全感受到喺呢首歌入邊,除此之外,Alan Walker仲要喺佢打碟嘅技術入邊加咗一啲特效,令到呢首歌跟上一層樓,成首歌嘅特效係非常之突出,就好似去咗party一樣,容易令人流連忘返嘅感覺,亦都感受到Alan Walker喺呢首歌嘅用心同埋佢嘅特色,一般嚟講一首好普通嘅歌,只要加上Alan Walker嘅打碟技巧,都會感受到成首歌嘅氣氛會提升,呢個就係Alan Walker歌嘅特色,最深刻嘅係,佢每一首歌當平時冇嘢做嘅時候,都會無意中回想返佢嘅歌,由此證明佢嘅歌係非常之令到人哋印象深刻,呢個就係Alan Walker嘅價值所在!

Bonhomme de Neige
Bonhomme de Neige

一對情侶在最火熱時,任何時間都像夏天一樣,最多陽光,最大嘅歡恩,永遠都希望呢個夏天永不完結,就係Endless summer。