


愛情這杯酒誰喝都得醉 歌詞

We Are All Earthlings (我們是地球公民) - Sesame Street Band

Some of us have feathers


Some of us have fins


Some of us are furry


And some of us have skins


We swim and hop and slither


And leap and soar and run


And we all live together

On a planet of the sun

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

Spinning around together

On a planet of the sun


We live in the desert


We live inside a tree


We live high in the mountains

Or deep beneath the sea


We live in tents and cabins


In houses just for one


And we all live together

On a planet of the sun

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

Spinning around together

On a planet of the sun


Floating down a river

Swinging through the trees

Climbing up a mountain

Going with the breeze


All of us can have a happy healthy place to be


If we can float and swim and climb in earthling harmony

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

We are all earthlings

Spinning around together

On a planet of the sun


Spinning around together



On a planet of the sun