Sharpay Evans, Ryan2007年1月1日


Humuhumunukunukuapua'A - Sharpay

A long time ago in a land far away

Lived the pineapple princess Tiki

She was sweet as a peach in a pineapple way

But so sad that she hardly speaky


Still if you listen well

You'll hear her secret wish

Aloha everybody my name is Tiki

I long to free a truly remarkable fish my sweet prince



Makihiki malahini hoo

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a ooh

Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu

Ryan the fog


She dreams of a boy who is under a spell

That has left him all wet and scaly

I sing from my heart with the power of love

Just a girl with a ukulele


Come to me my sweet one and be still


I'll grasp your tail and stroke each tender gill

My sweet prince


Makihiki malahini hoo

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a ooh

Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu

Now this is where we lean into the whole kabuki thing


The clouds turned grey and the big sky cried

And the ocean had a fit Ryan where's my ocean

Then the wind went whoosh and thunder cracked

And mighty Mount Fufu spit mighty Mount Fufu spit


T-t-tiki T-t-tiki wanna speaky speaky speaky

With the mighty spirit Fufu

T-t-tiki T-t-tiki wanna speaky speaky speaky

So words I will not mince

Please make a man of my fresh fish prince

This is real fish talk no lie


And then the fish turns into a

Gorgeous prince and sings

I'm Prince Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

Amakahiki malahini hoo


With me humumunukunukuapua'a ooh


Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu


Everybody humuhumunukunukuapua'a

Makihiki malahini hoo

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a ooh

Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu

Wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu


Wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu