收聽Ricky Skaggs的Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet歌詞歌曲

Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet

Ricky Skaggs, Keith Whitley2004年1月1日

Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet 歌詞

Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet - Ricky Skaggs/Keith Whitley

Death is an angel sent down from above


Sent for the buds and the flowers we love


Truly this so for in heaven's own way

Each bud is a flower in the Master's bouquet


Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet


Beautiful flowers that will never decay


Gathered by angels and carried away


Forever to bloom in the Master's bouquet


Loved ones are passing each day and

Each hour passing away as the life of a flower


But every bud and each blossom some day

Will bloom as the flowers in the Master's bouquet


Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet


Beautiful flowers that will never decay


Gathered by angels and carried away


Forever to bloom in the Master's bouquet


Let us be faithful till life's work is done blooming

With love till the reaper shall come


Then we'll be togather together for age

Transplanted to bloom in the Master's bouquet


Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet


Beautiful flowers that will never decay


Gathered by angels and carried away



Forever to bloom in the Master's bouquet