


有多少愛能爲你停留 歌詞

Let's Spend The Night - Johnny Gill

Written by:James Harris III/Terry Lewis/Herman Randy Davis


Lately I've been so lonely

Holding everything

Without love

Now I'm holding you


And it feels so good


Don't let go now

Come home with me

(Let's spend the night)


(Let's spend the night)

It feels so good

To know your love will be there

For me


And only me


Scratch my friends opinions

I'm not blind I see

All they want to do

Is get you away from me

But now I have you


(Lets spend the night)

With someone who cares

(Let's spend the night)

It feels so good

To know your love will be there

When I wake up

With you by my side

Roll on over won't you

I feel so alive

Let's spend the night


(Let's spend the night)

Close together

(Let's spend the night)

It feels so good

To know you're there

(not sure of this line)


Yes to know that you'll be there

It feels so good


Yeah yeah

I don't have to worry

Cause it feels

Will be there for me

When I roll over yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Just be there


Let's spend the night

有多少愛能爲你停留 的評論 (14)

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

老婆老婆,如果可以, 我真的很想跟你生一兩個小孩!

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

老婆,我知道你很想家, 你很想回去老家生活, 老婆,我答應你, 我一定能夠令你在老家, 無憂無慮,幸福快樂的生活, 你給我一點點時間吧! 很快就可以!

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

老婆老婆, 無論將來怎樣, 我也不會把你掉下來, 我跟你的是一生一世的承諾, 只要有我在的一天, 我也要你過得幸福快樂。 老婆,我愛你,我永遠永遠愛你!

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘


💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘


💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘


💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

因為她愛自由, 喜歡無拘無束的生活,別人的關心變成了他的束縛,所以他不希望別人束管束著他,日子久了,關心她的人都不再理她!

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

當你心愛的人, 覺得你的愛是一種沈重的負擔; 當你心愛的人, 覺得你的關心令她煩厭; 這時就應該放手, 讓她過著她覺得舒服的生活。

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

當你發覺, 每天在叫你老公老公的人, 原來是並不愛你的, 你的心會怎樣?

💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘
💗 悦心 💗 😘 😘

老婆, 我很想你,真的很想你, 我想你想得心也在哭! 相愛不能相見,不能一起, 我愛你愛很苦,你知道嗎?