Dakota Staton

5 粉絲

Dakota Staton (June 3, 1930 – April 10, 2007),[1] also known by the Muslim name Aliyah Rabia for a period due to her conversion to Islam as interpreted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,[2][3] was an American jazz vocalist who found international acclaim with the 1957 No. 4 hit, "The Late, Late Show".


Dakota Staton :

Dakota Staton (June 3, 1930 – April 10, 2007),[1] also known by the Muslim name Aliyah Rabia for a period due to her conversion to Islam as interpreted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,[2][3] was an American jazz vocalist who found international acclaim with the 1957 No. 4 hit, "The Late, Late Show".

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