The Honeycombs

11 粉絲

The Honeycombs were an English beat/pop group, founded in 1963 in North London. The group had one chart-topping hit, the million selling "Have I the Right?", in 1964. After that song the interest in the group ebbed away, and they split up in late 1966. The group's most distinguishing mark was their female drummer, Honey Lantree.

The Honeycombs的專輯I Can't Stop
I Can't Stop2023年10月27日
The Honeycombs的專輯The Origins
The Origins2019年10月8日
The Honeycombs的專輯All the Best
All the Best2019年9月27日
The Honeycombs的專輯Honneycombs

The Honeycombs :

The Honeycombs were an English beat/pop group, founded in 1963 in North London. The group had one chart-topping hit, the million selling "Have I the Right?", in 1964. After that song the interest in the group ebbed away, and they split up in late 1966. The group's most distinguishing mark was their female drummer, Honey Lantree.

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