Steven Solveig

Steven Solveig discovered his musical passion after a rock concert on TV. Fascinated by the power and pureness of the music he started to practice guitar for hours and hours until he reached a professionell level. Since that day he has worked as a session guitar player and guitar teacher. Very early in his career Steven begun to write and produce his own tracks as well. By chance Steven entered the TV & Film music genre and from then on his music has been used in numerous TV shows around the globe including trailers for The Book of Eli, People I Know, Police Academy and Braveheart, TV spots including Criminal Minds and The Mentalist (CBS), NCIS among others. His music also has been used on Discovery Channel and National Geographic.


專輯 | 單曲

Steven Solveig :

Steven Solveig discovered his musical passion after a rock concert on TV. Fascinated by the power and pureness of the music he started to practice guitar for hours and hours until he reached a professionell level. Since that day he has worked as a session guitar player and guitar teacher. Very early in his career Steven begun to write and produce his own tracks as well. By chance Steven entered the TV & Film music genre and from then on his music has been used in numerous TV shows around the globe including trailers for The Book of Eli, People I Know, Police Academy and Braveheart, TV spots including Criminal Minds and The Mentalist (CBS), NCIS among others. His music also has been used on Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

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