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Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta

Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra is an Italian orchestra founded in 1993 which began a collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 1995, the orchestra is best known for his key role in bringing to life the music of Ennio Morricone during his live performances and on Morricone’s film scores.


專輯 | 單曲

Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta的專輯Taranta Reimagined
Taranta Reimagined2021年7月23日
Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta的專輯Cent'anni Sale
Cent'anni Sale2021年6月29日
Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta的專輯Mi Devo Muovere
Mi Devo Muovere2021年6月29日

Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta :

Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra is an Italian orchestra founded in 1993 which began a collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 1995, the orchestra is best known for his key role in bringing to life the music of Ennio Morricone during his live performances and on Morricone’s film scores.

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