Mario Nascimbene

2 粉絲

Mario Nascimbene (28 November 1913, Milan, Italy - 6 January 2002, Rome, Italy) was one of the best known Italian film soundtrack composers of the 20th Century. His career spanned six decades, during which time he earned several awards for the innovative contents of his composing style. During his career he composed soundtracks for more than 150 films


Mario Nascimbene :

Mario Nascimbene (28 November 1913, Milan, Italy - 6 January 2002, Rome, Italy) was one of the best known Italian film soundtrack composers of the 20th Century. His career spanned six decades, during which time he earned several awards for the innovative contents of his composing style. During his career he composed soundtracks for more than 150 films

隨時上JOOX欣賞 Mario Nascimbene 的歌曲!每當說到一位擁有出色歌曲和專輯的歌手時,我們一定會想到擁有 2 粉絲的Mario Nascimbene。如果你也正在尋找 Mario Nascimbene 的歌曲,那就太好了!JOOX將會為你提供 Mario Nascimbene 的MV和歌曲合輯,你必會喜歡這些歌曲!