Theory of a Deadman的專輯Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition)

Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition)

Theory of a Deadman2009年3月18日 16 首歌

Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition)

Scars and Souvenirs, the third album from Theory of a Deadman, sounds like a rehash of the band's first two albums — which is to say that it sounds like every Nickelback album ever made. They may have a reason, given that Chad Kroeger signed them to his 6
有關Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition) :

立即透過JOOX收聽 Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition) (Ft. Theory of a Deadman) !Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition) 在 上架,由 Theory of a Deadman 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition)由16首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 Scars & Souvenirs (Special Edition) 中的歌曲吧!