Atlantic Starr的專輯Love Crazy

Love Crazy

Atlantic Starr2010年2月16日 11 首歌

Love Crazy

With a long and distinguished career encompassing more than a decade, Atlantic Starr has made many enjoyable songs ranging from the gritty 1979 funk treasure "Let's Rock And Roll" to the memorable 80s ballads "Always" and "Secret Lovers," and it is no secret that they are a talented and highly respectable group. Unfortunately, much of what the group has accomplished over the years is lost on this album. It spawned the hit ballad "Masterpiece," but aside from that, there's not much to recommend. Like other AS albums, there is certainly some good singing to be found here and production is fairly robust, but nothing else on here is as well-written or tuneful as some of their earlier hits, and some of the uptempo songs like "I Can't Wait" and "If You Knew What's Good For You" are so lacking in AS character that they sound like they could have been made by any of the many obscure, minimally talented artists of the period. Unless you're an Atlantic Starr completist, this should not be considered an essential purchase, and there are other, better ways to get "Masterpiece."
有關Love Crazy :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Love Crazy吧! 由Atlantic Starr 一同推出的 Love Crazy 於 2010年2月16日 上架,收錄合共11 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!

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