Hipsway的專輯Scratch The Surface

Scratch The Surface

Hipsway2009年7月14日 0 首歌


Scratch The Surface

Released in 1989, the album was not as critically or commercially successful as its predecessor, and the band split up shortly afterwards.The band were formed in Glasgow in 1984 by ex-Altered Images guitarist Johnny McElhone on bass, and featuring Grahame Skinner (vocals), Pim Jones (guitar) and Harry Travers (drums). Their music was characterized by Skinner's deep vocals and Jones' tight guitar playing. They were quickly signed up by Mercury Records and by 1985 had released their first, eponymously-titled album. The album was a moderate success in the UK Albums Chart; while the single, Honeythief, made number 17 in the UK Singles Chart, and also reached the Top 20 in the U S Billboard Hot 100 chart. Another song from the album, Tinder, became well-known in Scotland as the soundtrack to a McEwan's Lager commercial.
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