3 Doors Down的專輯Another 700 Miles

Another 700 Miles

3 Doors Down2003年11月11日 7 首歌

Another 700 Miles

Another 700 Miles is a live EP by 3 Doors Down released on November 11, 2003. It was recorded live at a performance in Chicago, Illinois during the band's Away from the Sun tour.Another 700 Miles is a holdover EP recorded at Chicago's Congress Theater during 3 Doors Down's summer 2003 tour. It features the band's three hit singles, a new song called "It's Not Me" (presumably to appear on their eventual follow-up to Away from the Sun), and a spirited cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "That Smell." The crowd is quite engaged throughout, cheering wildly during each break and reacting with raucous enthusiasm to frontman Brad Arnold's easygoing stage chatter. The EP makes a point of including Arnold's setup for "When I'm Gone." Sun's first single, it gained momentum in spring 2003, when lyrics like "Hold me when I'm here" and "Love me when I'm gone" helped make the bluesy rock number a sort of anthem for the blue-collar soldier. On Another 700 Miles, Arnold takes a moment to explain 3DD's position on the hostilities ? they're pro-soldier, not pro-war ? but it doesn't take much convincing, as he's soon cut off by rowdy chants of "USA! USA!" This passage is interesting, as it marks 700 Miles with an indelible timestamp, and records the grassroots reaction to and acceptance of "When I'm Gone" for posterity.
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立即透過JOOX收聽 Another 700 Miles (Ft. 3 Doors Down) !Another 700 Miles 在 上架,由 3 Doors Down 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! Another 700 Miles由7首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 Another 700 Miles 中的歌曲吧!