Sharon Isbin的專輯Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos

Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos

Sharon Isbin, 谭盾2006年6月13日 6 首歌

Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos

Sharon Isbin knows how to pick classical guitar works just about as well as she knows how to play them (which is to say, exceptionally well). On her Grammy Award-winning Dreams of a World, she explored folksy classical guitar works from around the world. On this disc, the music of two guitar concerto world premieres is less-familiar and just as exciting. Christopher Rouse's Concerto de Gaudi for Guitar and Orchestra is rooted in the Spanish idiom, but it has numerous twists and turns. Isbin gets plenty of tricky solo flights here, but the piece also features some truly explosive brass and percussion moments reminiscent of orchestral works by Ives and Revueltas. Tan Dun's commission for Isbin is less structured; there's plenty of improvisation where the guitarist is required to use tremolo to make her instrument sound like a Chinese lute, or p'i-p'a. Again, you'll hear the influence of Spanish composers, though you never lose the influence of Eastern tonalities in Tan Dun's Impressionistic work. It's a fantastic showcase for Isbin's talents, though not necessarily a piece you'll want to hear every day. These live recordings boast great sonics, and the Gulbenkian Orchestra is in fine form.
有關Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos吧! 由Sharon Isbin 和 谭盾 一同推出的 Tan Dun & Rouse : Guitar Concertos 於 2006年6月13日 上架,收錄合共6 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!