Vangelis的專輯1492 - Conquest Of Paradise

1492 - Conquest Of Paradise

Vangelis2004年12月28日 12 首歌

1492 - Conquest Of Paradise

"Chariots of Fire", "Antarctica" and "Blade Runner" were three of the most memorable soundtracks of the 80's. How Vangelis manages to be so consistently good is something of a mystery, but with "1492" he does it again: this is one of the most memorable soundtracks of the 90's. The title track is sheer brilliance, with its eminently hummable central melody and rousing, dramatic vocals. The melody is revisited towards the end of the album ("Twenty Eighth Parallel"), while the vocally rich intervening tracks range from darkly atmospheric ("Monastery of La Rabida", "Light and Shadow") to soft and ethereal ("Deliverance, "West Across the Ocean Sea"). The album's transition from the dark ambience of low-pitched vocals ("Conquest of Paradise") to the higher pitch of piano melodies ("Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria") produces in the listener a sense of having been taken on a journey. This is precisely what one would hope for in a soundtrack that parallels Columbus's sea voyage. The tracks flow effortlessly into one another to create a rare and deeply evocative musical experience.
有關1492 - Conquest Of Paradise :

立即透過JOOX收聽 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise (Ft. Vangelis) !1492 - Conquest Of Paradise 在 上架,由 Vangelis 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise由12首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise 中的歌曲吧!

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