Alison Moyet的專輯Alison Moyet The Best Of: 25 Years Revisited

Alison Moyet The Best Of: 25 Years Revisited

Alison Moyet2009年10月19日 33 首歌

Alison Moyet The Best Of: 25 Years Revisited

Best of 25 Years Revisited collects 20 remastered tracks from the bluesy British pop vocalist’s post-Yaz (or Yazoo) solo outings, spanning the years between her 1984 debut, Alf, through 2007’s Turn. The remasters sounds exceptional, and nearly all of her most notable singles are here, including “All Cried Out,” "That Olde Devil Called Love," “Weak in the Presence of Beauty," “Love Resurrection,” "Ordinary Girl,” and “Footsteps," but listeners just looking for the Yaz classic “Don’t Go” would be better off with 2003’s Essential compilation, as it contains the best of both worlds. Best of 25 Years Revisited also includes a second disc that features 11 live tracks.
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