Bette Midler的專輯Songs for the New Depression

Songs for the New Depression

Bette Midler2008年5月27日 11 首歌

Songs for the New Depression

Songs For The New Depression (1976) was the first Bette album to flop commercially. The mundane millions seem to like the ordinary so I assume this album was too good for the general public. Bette's best work, much like Cher's, has been the least acknowledged, not quite commercial endeavors. Not ironically, in the mid-eighties 10 years after it's release as a single "Old Cape Cod" was a jukebox favorite at an offbeat little bar in my town. The strength of this CD lies in the gentleness of it's delivery. It is a must have for those of you wishing to hear Bette's talents in a sweetly lamentatory mode but there's enough of Bette's bawdy side to satisfy those who are attracted to her outrageousness. My most favorite of all her albums to date and the beautiful sadness of some of the songs such as "Let Me Just Follow Behind" (my favorite Bette 'song') make this an album I still haven't tired of 28 years later.
有關Songs for the New Depression :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Songs for the New Depression吧! 由Bette Midler 一同推出的 Songs for the New Depression 於 2008年5月27日 上架,收錄合共11 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!

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