Carly Simon的專輯Come Upstairs

Come Upstairs

Carly Simon2009年3月1日 9 首歌

Come Upstairs

In any case, the strength of her writing and performances are similar to past efforts. The enhanced percussion and synthesized trappings can't hide the fact that this is the same sensitive, observant and thoughtful Carly Simon who recorded "Anticipation." Several tracks ("Jesse," "James," "The Desert") are reminiscent of earlier songs, and could well have appeared on previous albums with slightly different arrangements. The hard-rocking edge of "Stardust" and "In Pain" is a bit of an eye-opener, though. Unfortunately, the latter track is too big a vocal stretch, and Carly hasn't sounded this 'squawky' since "Playing Possum."
有關Come Upstairs :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Come Upstairs吧! 由Carly Simon 一同推出的 Come Upstairs 於 2009年3月1日 上架,收錄合共9 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!