Jeff Foxworthy的專輯Totally Committed

Totally Committed

Jeff Foxworthy2007年6月5日 11 首歌

Totally Committed

I have a stack of Jeff's recordings on cassette (I have finally entered the 21st century and am collecting comedy on CD).. Jerry Clower introduced us to the joys of comedy recordings on road trips.... Jeff can be really hilarious, and I love his work, but I get really irritated at the way he (or his producers, or whomever is guilty of this) changes the titles of the routines on different recordings, leading you to believe you are getting new material when you aren't... When I was stocking up on CDs for this recent trip I didn't get any of his older stuff and instead bought "Totally Committed" and the group effort "Blue Collar Tour"...Both were highly entertaining, but I was angered by the fact that Jeff's part on the Blue Collar CD was what I had just heard on the Totally Committed CD... Another thing about Jeff's recordings...I would buy different cassettes at truck stops along the way, and much to my disappointment, I learned that if you buy one of Jeff's recordings with the word "trucker" or "truckstop" on the cover, all it is, is one of his other recordings using a lot of swearing. The swearing doesn't offend me, but I thought I, once again, was getting new material because the playlist was changed, when all I was getting was something I'd already heard with just a bunch of bad language thrown in. The clean version was funny on its own, I guess Jeff thinks truckers aren't capable of laughing at clean humor so he made a raunchy one for them.??? Quite frankly, I think he just rips people off.... And so far, he is the only performer I have found who does that...I've got everything Jerry Clower has recorded and I've only gotten repeats on his "Best Of" and "Greatest Hits", which is to be expected, but at least he doesn't change the titles in order to cheat people!! Shame on you, Jeff!! He's hilarious...
有關Totally Committed :

立即透過JOOX收聽 Totally Committed (Ft. Jeff Foxworthy) !Totally Committed 在 上架,由 Jeff Foxworthy 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! Totally Committed由11首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 Totally Committed 中的歌曲吧!