收聽Dr. Doofenshmirtz的There's a Platypus Controlling Me歌詞歌曲

There's a Platypus Controlling Me

Dr. Doofenshmirtz2011年8月1日

There's a Platypus Controlling Me 歌詞

There's a Platypus Controlling (《飛哥與小佛的時空大冒險》電影插曲) - Dr. Doofenshmirtz


Oh hi Vanessa

Dad what are you doing

Well I'll be honest I don't really understand

But I fell down this hill

And I got glue on my hands

Now I got records on my fingers


Records on my fingers

I got records on my fingers

And I just can't stop

Don't stop

I can't stop I got a platypus controlling me


I got a platypus controlling me

Now let me sum it up

It was a strange set of circumstances

Strange set of circumstances

I fell down the hill

I got glue on my hands

Now I got records on my fingers

And I just can't stop


Well I would if I was able

There's a platypus controlling me

He's underneath the table

There's a platypus controlling him—WHAAAT

Oh I get it platypus is a metaphor

For whatever is keeping you down

Corporations are a platypus

The government's a platypus

Your teacher is a platypus

My teacher is a panda

Society's a platypus

My parents are a platypus

The media's a platypus

It's all just propaganda

We've all got platypus controlling us

No just me

We've all got platypus controlling us

I'd stop if I was able

We've all got platypus controlling us

I'm not speaking metaphorically

The platypus controlling me

Is underneath the table

Oh wait no he's gone

Heyyy There's no platypus controlling me


There's no platypus controlling me