George Robert

2 粉絲

George Roberts (1873 – 1953) was an Irish actor, poet and publisher. He was born in Belfast and became an actor with the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. He co-founded the publishing house of Maunsel and Company with Stephen Gwynn and Joseph Maunsel Hone.[1] This firm published works by W. B. Yeats, John Millington Synge, Lady Gregory, George William Russell, James Stephens, Douglas Hyde and others and became part of the Irish literary revival

George Robert的專輯Abre Alas
Abre Alas2024年4月26日
George Robert的專輯Live in Taormina
Live in Taormina2017年1月21日
George Robert的專輯Youngbloods
George Robert的專輯The Summit
The Summit2007年9月21日

George Robert :

George Roberts (1873 – 1953) was an Irish actor, poet and publisher. He was born in Belfast and became an actor with the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. He co-founded the publishing house of Maunsel and Company with Stephen Gwynn and Joseph Maunsel Hone.[1] This firm published works by W. B. Yeats, John Millington Synge, Lady Gregory, George William Russell, James Stephens, Douglas Hyde and others and became part of the Irish literary revival

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