GK爸爸一人Podcast团队 原创故事歌曲插图配音 以原创角色粉红QQ猪~延伸各种有趣及教育意义的原创儿童故事 搭配时事创意~带给小孩省思寓意或是天马行空想像力的趣味亲子互动 加上自制图文封面~很适合小孩与大人一起听的爆笑广播剧 GK Dad One Podcast Team Original Story Song Illustration Dubbing With the original character pink QQ pig ~ original children's stories that extend various interesting and educational meanings Matching current events and creativity~ Bringing children's thoughts and meanings or fun parent-child interaction with unrestrained imagination Plus a self-made graphic cover ~ a hilarious radio drama suitable for children and adults to listen to together


專輯 | 單曲

GLAD KING的專輯擺攤人生
GLAD KING的專輯説好好好不要哭


GK爸爸一人Podcast团队 原创故事歌曲插图配音 以原创角色粉红QQ猪~延伸各种有趣及教育意义的原创儿童故事 搭配时事创意~带给小孩省思寓意或是天马行空想像力的趣味亲子互动 加上自制图文封面~很适合小孩与大人一起听的爆笑广播剧 GK Dad One Podcast Team Original Story Song Illustration Dubbing With the original character pink QQ pig ~ original children's stories that extend various interesting and educational meanings Matching current events and creativity~ Bringing children's thoughts and meanings or fun parent-child interaction with unrestrained imagination Plus a self-made graphic cover ~ a hilarious radio drama suitable for children and adults to listen to together

隨時上JOOX欣賞 GLAD KING 的歌曲!每當說到一位擁有出色歌曲和專輯的歌手時,我們一定會想到擁有 0 粉絲的GLAD KING。如果你也正在尋找 GLAD KING 的歌曲,那就太好了!JOOX將會為你提供 GLAD KING 的MV和歌曲合輯,你必會喜歡這些歌曲!
