Jerry Jeff Walker的專輯Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions

Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions

Jerry Jeff Walker2009年10月20日 14 首歌

Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions

If your into melodic views of the street life followed by drunkin maniac tangients,followed by two fools in love, than this is the album for you. This album, cleary demonstrates the four sides of Jerry Jeff.From the lovely and lucent comfort and crazy to the wired maniac saga of Lone wolf.Jeckle and hide would be proud.There's also social comentary on eastern avenue railway.The stuperous too old to change is hillariuos."Sometimes I look over my shoulder and smile a what they said about me,You betya!"This album has a lot of those suggestions about the state he was in at that time, but it can be morbidly entertaining when your in a goofy mood.Jerry jeff's graveld vocals give the Perfect adornment to the Drunken, madman, hell bent, ain't living long like this. you wonder if the police are actully about to come bustin in your house.Only jerry jeff could make you start hallucinating from the music alone.
有關Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions吧! 由Jerry Jeff Walker 一同推出的 Lone Wolf:The Best Of Jerry Jeff Walker/Elektra Sessions 於 2009年10月20日 上架,收錄合共14 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!
