Glenn Lewis的專輯World Outside My Window

World Outside My Window

Glenn Lewis2002年3月19日 15 首歌

World Outside My Window

If the Canadian music industry took its time waking up to hip-hop, it's still in a deep sleep when it comes to homegrown R&B. Crooner Glenn Lewis banged his head against the wall for years in his home town of Toronto without a hint of recognition before f
有關World Outside My Window :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 World Outside My Window吧! 由Glenn Lewis 一同推出的 World Outside My Window 於 2002年3月19日 上架,收錄合共15 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!
