Heinz Rudolf Kunze的專輯Einer Fuer Alle

Einer Fuer Alle

Heinz Rudolf Kunze2010年2月16日 10 首歌

Einer Fuer Alle

One of the top 10 Smooth Jazz CD's of all time. Bob James and David Sanborn's collaboration was a defining moment in music recording. Every song on this album is awesome!! Al Jarreau's vocals on "Since I fell for you" is mezmerizing!! "Matputo", It's You" and "More Than Friends" are incredible to listen to. But it's the classic, "Never Enough" that is clearly, the best track on this CD. I could listen to it all night!! Add this CD to your collection. It's Smooth Jazz at it's finest!!
有關Einer Fuer Alle :

如果你正在尋找適合的音樂來調整自己的心情,那就上JOOX在線收聽 Einer Fuer Alle吧! 由Heinz Rudolf Kunze 一同推出的 Einer Fuer Alle 於 2010年2月16日 上架,收錄合共10 首歌曲,每首作品互相配合,造就這張完美的專輯!

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