Gary Moore的專輯Wild Frontier

Wild Frontier

Gary Moore1989年1月1日 11 首歌

Wild Frontier

Wild Frontier is a 1987 album by Gary Moore. His first studio album after a trip back to his native Belfast, Ireland in 1985, this album has several songs about Ireland and even the music itself is steeped in Celtic roots. The title track was intended to
有關Wild Frontier :

立即透過JOOX收聽 Wild Frontier (Ft. Gary Moore) !Wild Frontier 在 上架,由 Gary Moore 合作推出,很快就引起了粉絲們的注意! Wild Frontier由11首歌曲組成,MV深受大家的喜愛!隨即下載 JOOX App,在線收聽 Wild Frontier 中的歌曲吧!
