Everest Lyrics

Everest - THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE (ザ・ランページ・フロム・エグザイル・トライブ)

词:Amon Hayashi


Uh yeah


Everybody come on


Get it to the peak

I I I got ice in the vein now (vein now)

倒れても立ち上がってpay back (pay back)

何を手に入れてもwant it mo'

終わりはない keep chasin'



空に向けbang bang

Gather up my gang gang

Shut it 過去にすがる様じゃ先は無い

Go forward

We're about to blow up

誰の足跡もない (alright)

この道選んだyou and I (you and I)

挑み続けるのがmy life (life life)

It's getting steeper steepet steeper

Light my way up brighter 描くvision



Don't stop climbing up the 最高峰

Only one shot 一度きりlife goes on

Gotta take it higher 雲よりも上

見下ろす時間はない we gotta keep it goin' on

To the top of the highest

登り詰めるその時までride it

Gotta take it higher

Yeah are you ready for verse 2?


Get jiggy with us 甘くてbitter


いいんだ (ooh)



飛び跳ねろbounce bouncе

We make the world go round round

Rock it 駆け抜けるnew era 眼中にないhater

誰がtrue player

始まりは憧れ (speed up)

高めて行く最後まで (get up)

挑み続けるのがmy life

Cause we're go-getters getters getters

Light my way up brighter 描くvision


Don't stop climbing up the 最高峰

Only one shot 一度きりlife goes on

Gotta take it higher 雲よりも上

見下ろす時間はない we gotta keep it goin' on

To the top of the highest

登り詰めるその時までride it


No surrender (surrender) 終われない (ever)


Stand up もう一人じゃない

Till we get to the peak 何度でもrise



Keep it movin' right now (what's good look up)

Never look down ooh

Light my way up brighter 描くvision


Don't stop climbing up the 最高峰

Only one shot 一度きりlife goes on

Gotta take it higher 雲よりも上

見下ろす時間はない we gotta keep it goin' on

To the top of the highest

登り詰めるその時までride it

Gotta take it higher


(Let's start it again



Never look down moving up)
