Album Blueprint from PANDORA


PANDORA12 Feb 2018 3 songs


小室哲哉X浅仓大介之合作组合PANDORA推出首张迷你专辑《Blueprint》。现为access乐团成员的浅仓大介,曾任TM NETWORK的伴奏乐手,在日本也是第一线的知名键盘手与制作人。本次两人携手合作PANDORA,在去年推出《假面骑士Build》主题曲《Be The One》,启用新生代歌姬Beverly参与演唱之后受到极大的关注。PANDORA充满谜团的神秘乐曲,现在终于公开!
About Blueprint :

Released on 12 Feb 2018, Blueprint is an incredible album by PANDORA have delivered their best performance in the Blueprint and surely a treat for their fans. Install the JOOX App now and listen to Blueprint songs online anytime.
