88rising的專輯Don't Go Changing

Don't Go Changing

88rising2021年9月14日 1 首歌

Don't Go Changing

繼前不久釋出大熱單曲“California”之後,眾所期待的88rising全球性音樂合作項目 - 集合東西方新興藝術家的年度廠牌合集《Head In The Clouds III》,迎來了全新單曲“Don't Go Changing”。這首略顯傷感的情歌,由菲律賓裔澳大利亞籍歌手/詞曲創作人/多樂器演奏家Ylona Garcia攜手業內知名音樂人Jonas Jeberg (Panic! At The Disco, Demi Lovato, The Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez) 和Marcus Lomax (Justin Bieber, Maroon 5, Miley Cyrus)聯合制作。這位菲裔澳籍的音樂先鋒,88rising大家庭的新成員,在輕松自如卻飽含情感的歌聲中,講述著那份“放手”後不同階段的悲傷。 Following the hit single "California (feat. Warren Hue)", off of Head In The Clouds III - 88rising’s third installation of its world-building, collaborative effort bringing together rising artists from East to West - comes the vulnerable ballad “Don't Go Changing” from Filipino-Australian singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist Ylona Garcia in collaboration with seasoned industry veterans Jonas Jeberg (Panic! At The Disco, Demi Lovato, The Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez) and Marcus Lomax (Justin Bieber, Maroon 5, Miley Cyrus). The Filipino-Australian trailblazer and 88rising newcomer uses effortlessly emotionally telling vocals to grieve through different stages of letting go.
有關Don't Go Changing :

對於粉絲來說,Don't Go Changing 是一張不容錯過的專輯。它於 2021年9月14日 發行,Don't Go Changing 由88rising 等歌手推出。這張專輯包含 1 首歌曲,每一首作品充分表達出其專輯概念。只要上JOOX,你便能立即欣賞Don't Go Changing 中的高音質歌曲、歌詞和MV,一同沉浸在美妙的音樂體驗中吧!
